My mother was diagnosed with vascular dementia in 2010. This is a blog about coming to terms with her absent mind.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Tiny Tuesday Top-up

The funeral yesterday was a bit of an emotional overload for me but I got through it without disgracing myself.  Well not too much anyway and Harriet was with me so that helped enormously. It was an affectionate and respectful send off, she would've been very pleased and also delighted to see some old work colleagues there along with staff from both of her nursing homes. It is a sad truth that you often only see distant relatives (geographically, not emotionally) at funerals. Maybe it's God's way of easing the grief a little.

Not much change Ma-wise to report. She is still being fed in a quiet area away from the main dining room which seems to be helping although if you listen carefully to what isn't said, she clearly still doesn't eat very much. I had an email off Barry this morning to say that her stay has been extended until Friday 13th April but as yet I haven't been able to find out why.


I'd like to say hello to some new followers who've popped up in the last few days. Waves at Japan, Isle of Man, Russia, Germany, Ireland, Austria and Spain. Thank you for stopping by.


No fabulous blips to link to. I'm lacking in inspiration at the moment and need to get my mojo back. Normal service will resume as soon as I've found it :)


  1. Bee, here may not be the place to ask but did I read you were doing a digital photography course through the OU? Is it T189? Thinking of doing it too...

  2. I'm the one from Spain :D *waves* xxx

  3. Well done you..

    I don't know if you have noticed but Google dementia and your blog is on the first page of results. That's pretty cool too.x x

  4. Blimey!! That really is rather cool...
