My mother was diagnosed with vascular dementia in 2010. This is a blog about coming to terms with her absent mind.

Monday, 16 January 2012

Here starteth the new week

Another relatively smooth night with only three or four disturbances once she settled down. This morning she woke at about 6 calling for Peter. Once I was up we went through the most recent routine which is staying in bed because it's 'cold', this is because it is frosty outside not because it is actually cold in the house but one look at the frost and we get 'Brrrrr! Too cold'. Then I offer breakfast and she has it in bed. She now gets porridge with coconut oil and extra syrup (this is to slightly disguise the taste of coconut). Then she snoozes for a while and gets up around half ten for a shower. Or not. Today was a not.

Then we start on the door rattling and window banging. At one point she was sitting on the bed a bit distressed, not really crying, just a bit sobby.

What's the matter? Why are you crying?

Because I've got a large loaf.


So after an entire day of trying to get out of the house I suggested she put her shoes on and we would go out in the car. She refused. I ignored this of course and put her shoes and coat on and helped her into the car. We were only out for 20 minutes which was 19 minutes too long as far as Ma was concerned. A lot of pulling at her coat and trying to rip it occurred. Of course as soon as we got back she was all fluffy again.

She didn't eat most of her tea but did eat some so I let it go and she is now in bed.

I managed to take a reasonable picture (and some I didn't want to - thanks G) and write a poem for a challenge so I've managed to keep my brain in training for a change.


Today's Blip


Just remembered another:

Is it going to fit?

Is what going to fit?

Your little brown rice.


  1. Re the car travel . Is she the same in tbe daycare minibus ? Wondered if there may be some car sickness issues which cause the distress ?

  2. I don't think it's travel sickness, she's never suffered from it before and gets off the bus quite happy and chatty. I think it has more to do with not recognising where she is and being out of her ever-diminishing comfort zone.

  3. You would think that would apply to all forms of transport away from home then wouldn't you. Including the minibus. One thing I've learned from reading your blOg is how unpredictable & erratic dementia behaviour is. It's not just a slow steady decline .

  4. I do know that she often got into trouble on the other bus (no escort) for taking her seatbelt off and getting out of her seat which meant the driver had to keep stopping and strapping her in again. This may also be why she didn't like him very much...
